
Stafford Stories

Explore the stories and images of Stafford County. These stories are part of the history of a county, then a state, then a nation. It’s all connected. Stafford’s stories are America’s stories.

Historical Figure of the Week

John F. Farmer

Born 1843 – Died 1929

John F. Farmer (1843-1929) was born in Caroline County, Virginia.  He married Mary E. Deshazo (1850-1939) and lived in the White Oak area of Stafford County, Virginia.  He called his farm Potomac View.  In 1910, a friendly rivalry between local farmers produced the following notice in the Free Lance newspaper of Oct. 8, 1910, “To the Free Lance.  I am invited by Mr. R[obert] V[inton] Suttle, of King George county, to go back home and get another stalk of corn.  When Mr. Suttle can produce a stalk that measures 10 feet 8 inches from the ground to the end of the ear, I will talk to him.  My stalk was grown without fertilizer.  I challenge all this part of North America.  There is no ear mentioned on Mr. Suttle’s stalk.  I hold the belt without a rival.  John F. Farmer.”  Farmer died in 1929.

Additional Museum Features


Explore the past with our interactive historical map, featuring artifacts and locations throughout history. Zoom in to discover more information and click on markers to learn more about specific time periods and places.


Explore and experience Stafford’s history during the Revolutionary War period using Virtual Reality. VR headset is not required.

Voices of Stafford

Listen to interviews from Stafford citizens who experienced first-hand the history and development of Stafford County. Among life experiences and changes observed in Stafford, some genealogy is included.

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